Generate a daily life list, i.e. for each day of the year list the species seen on that day regardless of year. For each species, the year in which that species was first observed is shown. Use summary() to summarize the list of species seen each day into counts of the number of species seen each day. To visualize your day life lists, use plot(). The concept of the daily life list was introduced to me by Drew Weber.


# S3 method for eb_lifelist_day
summary(object, by_year = FALSE, ...)

# S3 method for eb_lifelist_day
plot(x, title, subtitle, ...)



eb_sightings object; your personal eBird sightings


eb_lifelist_day object; your daily life lists.


logical; whether to retain the year first when tallying up species. Set this to TRUE if, for example, you're interested in how many new species you added each year on a given day.


not used


character; plot title.


character; plot subtitle.


A dplyr::tibble, with additional class eb_lifelist_day, containing your personal sightings.

Methods (by class)

  • eb_lifelist_day: Summarize daily life lists into counts of species seen on each day.

  • eb_lifelist_day: Visualize your day life lists


day_list <- system.file("extdata/MyEBirdData.csv", package = "auklet") %>% eb_sightings() %>% eb_lifelist_day() summary(day_list)
#> # A tibble: 173 x 3 #> month day n #> <dbl> <int> <int> #> 1 1 1 23 #> 2 1 2 33 #> 3 1 3 6 #> 4 1 4 12 #> 5 1 6 30 #> 6 1 7 1 #> 7 1 9 14 #> 8 1 11 30 #> 9 1 12 48 #> 10 1 13 41 #> # ... with 163 more rows