Lesson 8 Applications

Now that we know how to extract and zero-fill data from eBird, let’s do something with these data! We’ll start by summarizing the data to show the trajectory of observation frequency over the course of the year. Next, we’ll make a basic presence-absence map of eBird observations. More advanced topics are covered in part II of this workshop, which focuses on using eBird data to model species distributions. We’ll start a new script for this lesson: 02_applications.R.

8.1 Frequency trajectories

The genus Cardellina contains five New World warbler species, including some of the most spectacular birds in North America: Canada Warbler, Red Warbler, and Pink-headed Warbler. Let’s extract and zero-fill data for three of the species in this genus within Guatemala.

Next, let’s summarize these data, calculating the frequency of observation on eBird checklists by month.

In preparation for plotting, we can add the common names of the species by joining in the ebird_taxonomy data frame, which is included with auk. In addition, we’ll convert the integer month numbers to dates–using the midpoint of each month–to aid axis labeling.

Finally, let’s make a frequency trajectory for these four species.

We have several different patterns going on here:

  • Pink-headed Warblers is a resident species, present year-round at fairly low abundance
  • Wilson’s Warbler spends the winter in Guatemala and is common during that period
  • Canada Warbler appears to only pass through Guatemala during migration

8.2 Maps

Continuing with the same dataset, let’s make a presence-absence map for Pink-headed Warbler. We’ll start by filtering the zero-filled data to only Pink-headed Warbler observations and converting these points to a spatial format using the sf package.

Next, we’ll use rnaturalearth to get some contextual GIS data to use in our maps. This is an amazing source for free GIS data for making maps.

Finally, we’ll make a presence-absence map, building it up in layers. There are lots excellent tools for mapping in R; however, here we’ll use the basic plot() function from the sf package. Other good options include ggplot2 and tmap.

Based on this map, we see that Pink-headed Warbler is restricted to the southwestern highlands of Guatemala.