Lesson 2 Introduction

We’ll start with a short presentation giving an introduction to eBird and the motivation behind the auk R package. The presentation can be downloaded in PowerPoint or PDF format, or viewed on SpeakerDeck.

2.1 The auk workflow

Extracting eBird data using auk requires proceeding through the following steps, each of which corresponds to a lesson in this document:

  1. Data access
  2. Filter
  3. Import
  4. Pre-process
  5. Produce presence-absence data

After covering these fundamentals, we’ll proceed to some applications and more advanced topics, depending on time and interest:

  1. Spatiotemporal subsampling
  2. Mapping and sumarizing eBird data
  3. A variety of more advanced topics, including assigning land cover covariates to checklists, preparing data for occupancy modeling, and handling some of the file size issues that arise when working with eBird data